Results for 'Shirley Huerta Cruz'

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  1. Religious disagreement: An empirical study among academic philosophers.Helen De Cruz - 2017 - Episteme 14 (1).
    Religious disagreement is an emerging topic of interest in social epistemology. Little is known about how philosophers react to religious disagreements in a professional context, or how they think one should respond to disagreement. This paper presents results of an empirical study on religious disagreement among philosophers. Results indicate that personal religious beliefs, philosophical training, and recent changes in religious outlook have a significant impact on philosophers' assessments of religious disagreement. They regard peer disagreement about religion as common, and most (...)
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    Bayesian reasoning with ifs and ands and ors.Nicole Cruz, Jean Baratgin, Mike Oaksford & David E. Over - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  3. A multidimensional analysis of tax practitioners' ethical judgments.Cheryl A. Cruz, William E. Shafer & Jerry R. Strawser - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 24 (3):223 - 244.
    This study investigates professional tax practitioners' ethical judgments and behavioral intentions in cases involving client pressure to adopt aggressive reporting positions, an issue that has been identified as the most difficult ethical/moral problem facing public accounting practitioners. The multidimensional ethics scale (MES) was used to measure the extent to which a hypothetical behavior was consistent with five ethical philosophies (moral equity, contractualism, utilitarianism, relativism, and egoism). Responses from a sample of 67 tax professionals supported the existence of all dimensions of (...)
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  4. Trust, Trustworthiness, and the Moral Consequence of Consistency.Jason D’Cruz - 2015 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 1 (3):467-484.
    Situationists such as John Doris, Gilbert Harman, and Maria Merritt suppose that appeal to reliable behavioral dispositions can be dispensed with without radical revision to morality as we know it. This paper challenges this supposition, arguing that abandoning hope in reliable dispositions rules out genuine trust and forces us to suspend core reactive attitudes of gratitude and resentment, esteem and indignation. By examining situationism through the lens of trust we learn something about situationism (in particular, the radically revisionary moral implications (...)
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  5. The Relevance of Hume's Natural History of Religion for Cognitive Science of Religion.Helen De Cruz - 2015 - Res Philosophica 92 (3):653-674.
    Hume was a cognitive scientist of religion avant la lettre. His Natural History of Religion (1757 [2007]) locates the origins of religion in human nature. This paper explores similarities between some of his ideas and the cognitive science of religion, the multidisciplinary study of the psychological origins of religious beliefs. It also considers Hume’s distinction between two questions about religion: its foundation in reason (the domain of natural theology and philosophy of religion) and its origin in human nature (the domain (...)
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    The Innateness Hypothesis and Mathematical Concepts.Helen Cruz & Johan Smedt - 2010 - Topoi 29 (1):3-13.
    In historical claims for nativism, mathematics is a paradigmatic example of innate knowledge. Claims by contemporary developmental psychologists of elementary mathematical skills in human infants are a legacy of this. However, the connection between these skills and more formal mathematical concepts and methods remains unclear. This paper assesses the current debates surrounding nativism and mathematical knowledge by teasing them apart into two distinct claims. First, in what way does the experimental evidence from infants, nonhuman animals and neuropsychology support the nativist (...)
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    Advances in Religion, Cognitive Science, and Experimental Philosophy.Helen De Cruz & Ryan Nichols (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Experimental philosophy has blossomed into a variety of philosophical fields including ethics, epistemology, metaphysics and philosophy of language. But there has been very little experimental philosophical research in the domain of philosophy of religion. Advances in Religion, Cognitive Science, and Experimental Philosophy demonstrates how cognitive science of religion has the methodological and conceptual resources to become a form of experimental philosophy of religion. Addressing a wide variety of empirical claims that are of interest to philosophers and psychologists of religion, a (...)
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    Corrigendum: Bayesian reasoning with ifs and ands and ors.Nicole Cruz, Jean Baratgin, Mike Oaksford & David E. Over - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  9. Evaluation of the Emotional and Cognitive Regulation of Young People in a Lockdown Situation Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.Manuel Fernández Cruz, José Álvarez Rodríguez, Inmaculada Ávalos Ruiz, Mercedes Cuevas López, Claudia de Barros Camargo, Francisco Díaz Rosas, Esther González Castellón, Daniel González González, Antonio Hernández Fernández, Pilar Ibáñez Cubillas & Emilio Jesús Lizarte Simón - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  10. Cosmic Horror and the Philosophical Origins of Science Fiction.Helen De Cruz - 2023 - Think 22 (63):23-30.
    This piece explores the origins of science fiction in philosophical speculation about the size of the universe, the existence of other solar systems and other galaxies, and the possibility of alien life. Science fiction helps us to grapple with the dizzying possibilities that a vast universe affords, by allowing our imagination to fill in the details.
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    Intuitionistic N-Graphs.M. Quispe-Cruz, A. G. de Oliveira, R. J. G. B. de Queiroz & V. de Paiva - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (2):274-285.
    The geometric system of deduction called N-Graphs was introduced by de Oliveira in 2001. The proofs in this system are represented by means of digraphs and, while its derivations are mostly based on Gentzen's sequent calculus, the system gets its inspiration from geometrically based systems, such as the Kneales' tables of development, Statman's proofs-as-graphs, Buss' logical flow graphs, and Girard's proof-nets. Given that all these geometric systems appeal to the classical symmetry between premises and conclusions, providing an intuitionistic version of (...)
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  12. Preserving the Autographic/Allographic Distinction.Jason D'cruz & P. D. Magnus - 2015 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 73 (4):453-457.
    The primary concern of our 2014 paper was not notation but the autographic/allographic distinction, not representations as such but works of art. As we see it, Zeimbekis's considerations do not ultimately undermine the position we advanced in 2014— but they do challenge an element of Goodman's own theory of notation that derives from his requirement of recoverability. That requirement can be abandoned without losing the explanatory power of the autographic/allographic distinction as we have refined it.
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    Religious transhumanism and its critics.Eduardo Rodrigues da Cruz - forthcoming - Horizonte:206118-206118.
    Resenha do livro de GOUW, Arvin M.; GREEN, Brain Patrick; PETER, Ted (orgs.). _Religious transhumanism and its critics_. Lanham, MD: Lexington / Rowman & Littlefield, 2022. 494 p. ISBN 978-1-4985-8413-5.
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    Age and Ageing in Contemporary Speculative and Science Fiction by Sarah Falcus and Maricel Oró-Piqueras (review).Mariana Batista da Cruz - 2024 - Utopian Studies 35 (1):266-270.
    The pervasiveness of questions of temporality, futurity, and immortality in science and speculative fiction opens new perspectives on aging and generationality. However, despite the potential of these genres to illuminate alternative ways of thinking about the human being in time, there has been a clear tendency within the field of aging studies to favor the analysis of realist narratives. To be sure, Age and Ageing in Contemporary Speculative and Science Fiction does not venture into completely uncharted territory. Teresa Mangum's study (...)
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    Addictive agents and intracranial stimulation : Morphine, naloxone, and pressing for amygdaloid ICS.Sara E. Cruz-Morales & Larry D. Reid - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (3):199-200.
  16. Aspectos da Lógica Relevante numa prova por Redução ao Absurdo.Ângela Maria Paiva Cruz - 1995 - Princípios 2 (2):05-11.
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    Conviene cambiar de figuras (Sobre acción y responsabilidad).Manuel Cruz - 1997 - Isegoría 17:73-84.
    El presente trabajo parte de la pregunta por la responsabilidad como pregunta clave para acceder a la inteligibilidad de la acción desde una nueva perspectiva. La pregunta por la responsabilidad, al descomponerse en varias subpreguntas, deja ver las diferentes dimensiones, o los diferentes frentes discursivos articulados alrededor del concepto. Centrándose en la subpregunta ¿de qué se es responsable?, el trabajo propone cambiar el modelo o figura de referencia bajo el que solemos representamos la acción, en la confianza de que ello (...)
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    On Pain. The Suffering of Wrong and other Grievances.Manuel Cruz - 2001 - Philosophical Inquiry 23 (3-4):59-70.
  19.  24
    (1 other version)La division du texte dans le ms. inédit des « Quaestiones super libro de animalibus » de Petrus Hispanus Portugalensis.J. M. da Cruz Pontes - 1962 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 4:118-126.
  20.  4
    Uma Possível Afinidade Ontológica da Poesia Silêncio e Palavra de Thiago de Mello Com o Conceito de Logos Em Heráclito de Éfeso.José Dalvo Santiago da Cruz - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 33 (33):434-449.
    Este artigo aborda o ontológico na poesia de Thiago de Mello por meio do conceito de logos em Heráclito de Éfeso. Tem o propósito de aproximar a poesia à filosofia pré-socrática por entender que ambas tratam em sua imanência da hominização por meio da palavra, do discurso, do verbo; que constrói o ontológico sempre em ambiente de alteridade: mito/inconsciência, história/consciência/filosofia em diferentes epistemes: mítica, filosófica, científica, religiosa, artística. Todas fomentadas pela aisthesis, no ambiente de estranhamento que a consciência-em-si faz brotar (...)
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  21. Association Between Socio-Affective Symptoms and Glutathione and CD4 and CD8 Lymphocytes in College Students.Cecilia Luz Balderas-Vazquez, Blandina Bernal-Morales, Eliud Alfredo Garcia-Montalvo, Libia Vega, Emma Virginia Herrera-Huerta, Juan Francisco Rodríguez-Landa, José Felipe Velázquez-Hernández, María del Carmen Xotlanihua-Gervacio & Olga Lidia Valenzuela - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: The prevalence of anxiety and depression in young students is associated with biosocial factors and scholastic stress. However, few studies have evaluated emotional-affective symptoms that are related to the immune system and antioxidant parameters in young individuals without diagnoses of affective disorders.Aim: This study aims to assess the relationship between emotional-affective symptoms and glutathione concentrations and CD4 and CD8 lymphocyte counts in college students.Methods: College students completed standardized psychometric instruments, including the Perceived Stress Scale, Hamilton Anxiety Scale, Beck Depression (...)
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    The role of age and business coaching in the relationship of lean startup approach and innovative work behavior of women entrepreneurs during COVID-19.Cui Na, Rimsha Khalid, Mohsin Raza, Edwin Ramirez-Asis, Rosario Huerta-Soto & Atif Jahanger - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of the startup approach is to find an appropriate course of action that adds value to the economy’s development. This study is aimed to determine the effect of the lean startup approach with mediating effect of business coaching to foster innovative work behavior in women entrepreneurs. Additionally, the study also examines the moderating effect of age on the lean startup approach and innovative work behavior. A quantitative approach was employed. The findings show that the relationship between the lean (...)
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    Entrepreneurial Error Does Not Equal Market Failure.Philipp Bagus, David Howden & Jesús Huerta de Soto Ballester - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (2):433-441.
    Barnett and Block claim that Bagus and Howden support indirectly the concept of market failure. In this paper, we show that maturity mismatching in an unhampered market may imply entrepreneurial error but cannot be considered a market failure. We demonstrate why fractional-reserve banking leads to business cycles even if there is no central bank and why maturity mismatching does not per se lead to clusters of errors in a free market. Finally, in contrast to the examples provided by Barnett and (...)
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    Family of Bistable Attractors Contained in an Unstable Dissipative Switching System Associated to a SNLF.J. L. Echenausía-Monroy, J. H. García-López, R. Jaimes-Reátegui, D. López-Mancilla & G. Huerta-Cuellar - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-9.
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    A Multidimensional Data-Driven Sparse Identification Technique: The Sparse Proper Generalized Decomposition.Rubén Ibáñez, Emmanuelle Abisset-Chavanne, Amine Ammar, David González, Elías Cueto, Antonio Huerta, Jean Louis Duval & Francisco Chinesta - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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    Ethics consultation in patients with behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia.Michael Makhinson, Juliana Gomez-Makhinson, Catherine Jennings & Sergio Huerta - forthcoming - Clinical Ethics.
    The increasing age of the patient population around the globe and in the United States has resulted in a growing number of patients with dementia. In this manuscript, we examined the role of the ethics consultation service in patients who have dementia and associated cognitive and neuropsychiatric sequelae. We addressed a particularly challenging case presenting with behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. We discussed the ethical questions and challenges considered by the ethics consultation service and compared these with current suggestions (...)
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    Lex Artis en oftalmología, análisis ético y bioético.Claudia Lorena Arellano Martínez, María Fernanda Martínez Palomo, Rene Dávila Mendoza, Juan Manuel Paulin Huerta, Carlos Francisco Navas Villar, Ulises de Dios Cuadras, Jaime Francisco Rosales Padrón, Jane Nemer Yaspik & Camila González Rodríguez - 2022 - Medicina y Ética 33 (4):1129-1166.
    Las personas dedicadas a otorgar servicios de la salud tienen el compromiso legal, ético, profesional y humano de velar por la salud y el bienestar de la sociedad. Un médico no sólo debe formarse en el ámbito académico y técnico, también debe construir y trabajar en su ética profesional. La actualización médica continua en medicina basada en evidencia y el continuo adiestramiento en el área práctica y clínica, si bien son de suma importancia, deben ir de la mano con la (...)
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    Transparencia y profundidad en los mercados financieros: El caso del IBEX 35.Luis Rodríguez Sáiz, Javier Sáiz Briones & Patricia Huerta Riveros - 2007 - Theoria 16 (2):47-60.
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    The Principles of Cartesian Philosophy: And, Metaphysical Thoughts.Benedictus de Spinoza, Steven Barbone, Lee Rice, Lodewijk Meijer & Shirley Samuel (eds.) - 1998 - Indianapolis, IN, USA: Hackett Publishing.
    Samuel Shirley's translations of Baruch Spinoza's Principles of Cartesian Philosophy and Metaphysical Thoughts along with commentary, introduction, and analytic tables.
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  30. Vivir para pensar: ensayos en homenaje a Manuel Cruz.Fina Birulés, Antonio Gómez Ramos, Concha Roldán & Manuel Cruz (eds.) - 2012 - Barcelona: Editorial Herder.
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    “Against method” and “Anything goes”? A critical discussion based on the “strange ideas from Paul Feyerabend on whether epistemological anarchy can benefit is research.Horst Treiblmaier, Andrew Burton-Jones, Shirley Gregor, Rudy Hirschheim, Michael Myers & Tom Stafford - unknown
    In this panel six IS researchers from varying backgrounds will discuss whether epistemological anarchy, as proposed by the controversial philosopher Paul Feyerabend, has the potential to foster research progress and can help to create new insights in the IS field. Feyerabend is well known for his notion that "anything goes" in terms of methodology, and many scholars are concerned that this seemingly anarchistic sentiment can undermine efforts to systematically build and structure an epistemological and methodological foundation for an academic discipline. (...)
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    Narrative Symposium: Conflicting Interests in Medicine.Laura Jean Bierut, Sal Cruz-Flores, Laura E. Hodges, Anthony A. Mikulec, Govind K. Nagaldinne, Erine L. Bakanas, John F. Peppin, Joel S. Perlmutter, William H. Seitz, Edward Diao, Andre N. Sofair & David M. Zientek - 2011 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 1 (2):67-90.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Narrative Symposium:Conflicting Interests in MedicineLaura Jean Bierut, Sal Cruz-Flores, Laura E. Hodges, Anthony A. Mikulec, Govind K. Nagaldinne, Erine L. Bakanas, John F. Peppin, Joel S. Perlmutter, William H. Seitz Jr., Edward Diao, Andre N. Sofair, and David M. Zientek• To Recruit or Not to Recruit for a Clinical Trial• An Unexpected Lesson• Am I on call for the entire Midwest?• Why is Medicare Wasting Away?• The Downside (...)
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    BARBOSA, Francisco Salatiel de Alencar. Joaseiro Celeste: tempo e paisagem na devoção ao Padre Cícero. São Paulo: Attar, 2007, 186p. [REVIEW]João Everton da Cruz - 2009 - Horizonte 7 (14):202-204.
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    Sola fide. La fe desnuda y la religión capitalista en Walter Benjamin.Juan Cruz Aponiuk - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 56 (157):336-378.
    El siguiente artículo consiste en un comentario al fragmento póstumo de Walter Benjamin llamado “Kapitalismus als Religion”, que destaca por integrar un fragmento anteriormente apartado por los editores, y porque ha sido interpretado en tanto que hilo de Ariadna de la obra benjaminiana, revisitando textos clave como Kritik zur Gewalt, Trauerspielbuch y Passagen-Werk. Desde allí se delimita cómo el capitalismo no es la secularización del protestantismo, sino que, por el contrario, la religión capitalista parasitó al cristianismo y produjo el protestantismo; (...)
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    Languages and mobility in and around italy - ( J.) clackson, (p.) James, (k.) McDonald, (l.) tagliapietra, (n.) zair (edd.) Migration, mobility and language contact in and around the ancient mediterranean. Pp. XXII + 354, ills, map. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2020. Cased, £90, us$120. Isbn: 978-1-108-48844-0. [REVIEW]Rodrigo Verano & Álvaro S. Octavio De Toledo Y. Huerta - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (2):558-560.
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    Pecado, castigo y responsabilidad.William S. Babcock & Juan Cruz Lacarra - 1995 - Augustinus 40 (156-159):31-38.
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    Interview with Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley by Flatness for Feminist Review and Women’s Art Library, April 2021.Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley & Shama Khanna - 2021 - Feminist Review 129 (1):109-122.
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  38. Love: A Phenomenological Inquiry into the Self-Other Relation in Sartre and Beauvoir.Noelle de la Cruz - 2007 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 36 (2).
    The author explores the views of two famous philosophers and one-time lovers about the self-other relation, particularly in the context of romantic love. In Being and nothingness , Jean-Paul Sartre famously wrote that any mode of relation between two subjectivities is doomed to fail. One of these modes is love, which is the desire to possess another freedom without altering its fundamental characteristic as a freedom. In contrast to Sartre, meanwhile, Simone de Beauvoir hints at the possibility of non-possessive reciprocal (...)
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    The Letters. Spinoza, Samuel Shirley, Steven Barbone, Lee Rice & Jacob Adler (eds.) - 1995 - Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company.
    Samuel Shirley's splendid new translation, with critical annotation reflecting research of the last half-century, is the only edition of the complete text of Spinoza's correspondence available in English. An historical-philosophical Introduction, detailed annotation, a chronology, and a bibliography are also included.
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    (1 other version)Intervención del profesor García de la Huerta.Marcos García de la Huerta - 2018 - Revista de Filosofía 74:307-309.
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    Emotional Valence Precedes Semantic Maturation of Words: A Longitudinal Computational Study of Early Verbal Emotional Anchoring.José Á Martínez-Huertas, Guillermo Jorge-Botana & Ricardo Olmos - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (7):e13026.
    We present a longitudinal computational study on the connection between emotional and amodal word representations from a developmental perspective. In this study, children's and adult word representations were generated using the latent semantic analysis (LSA) vector space model and Word Maturity methodology. Some children's word representations were used to set a mapping function between amodal and emotional word representations with a neural network model using ratings from 9‐year‐old children. The neural network was trained and validated in the child semantic space. (...)
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    Matter, Life, and Generation: Eighteenth-Century Embryology and the Haller-Wolff Debate.Shirley A. Roe - 1981
    A case-study of the interaction between philosophical context and observational data in the practice of Science.
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    Vermeer and Plato: Painting the Ideal.Robert D. Huerta - 2005 - Bucknell University Press.
    In a study that sweeps from Classical Antiquity to the seventeenth century, Robert D. Huerta explores the common intellectual threads that link the art of Johannes Vermeer to the philosophy of Plato.
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    Comprensión de la vida y aceptación de la muerte. La gestión estoica del duelo en las «Consolaciones» de Séneca.Omar Linares Huertas - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (304):1025-1039.
    La filosofía posee un potencial terapéutico presente desde sus inicios griegos. De entre todas las escuelas helenísticas, podemos afirmar que la que más se preocupó por el malestar humano fue la estoica. El presente artículo analiza la gestión estoica del duelo presente en las Consolaciones de Séneca, exponiendo la operatividad terapéutica de su modelo, en tanto que metodología explicativo-experiencial de fines eudaimónicos o sapienciales.
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    Are valence and arousal related to the development of amodal representations of words? A computational study.José Ángel Martínez-Huertas, Guillermo Jorge-Botana, Alejandro Martínez-Mingo, Diego Iglesias & Ricardo Olmos - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    In this study, we analyzed the relationship between the amodal (semantic) development of words and two popular emotional norms (emotional valence and arousal) in English and Spanish languages. To do so, we combined the strengths of semantics from vector space models (vector length, semantic diversity, and word maturity measures), and feature-based models of emotions. First, we generated a common vector space representing the meaning of words at different developmental stages (five and four developmental stages for English and Spanish, respectively) using (...)
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    Experiences and Challenges of Inclusive Education in Higher Education.Mayra Solanye Galindo Huertas, Sandra Lorena Herrera Giraldo, Flor Deisy Arenas Castro & Deisy Marcela Martínez Sánchez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:615-635.
    This study explores the experiences and challenges of students with hearing impairment in a Colombian university within the framework of inclusive education. Through a qualitative approach, the perceptions of students and their caregivers regarding admission policies, academic participation, and institutional and curricular environments were analyzed. The findings indicate that, although inclusion policies exist, they are not fully effective, presenting significant barriers to the access and participation of deaf students, such as insufficient availability of qualified interpreters, lack of curricular adjustments, and (...)
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    Aportes para pensar la concepción de revolución en Marx y Engels desde el marxismo periférico.M. Pedro Huerta - 2023 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 13 (2):137-160.
    Este artículo examina, de manera breve y panorámica, algunas contribuciones desarrolladas por el grupo de pensadores bolivianos y mexicanos Comuna dentro de la concepción de revolución del marxismo inicial de los pensadores Karl Marx y Federico Engels. Entre las contribuciones que se destacan se cuenta la producción de un marxismo situado que permite ver algunas complejidades no tomadas en cuenta por lo que Perry Anderson (2005) ha llamado “marxismo occidental”. Estos autores se sitúan desde el comunismo como identidad política de (...)
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  48. The Genetic Constitution of Reality From the Innermost Layer of the Consciousness of Time.José Huertas-Jourda - 1973 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 1 (1):225-250.
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    Editorial: Higher education and non-cognitive skill development: Why, what and how?Paula Alvarez-Huerta, Angie L. Miller, Inaki Larrea & Alexander Muela - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Algunas reflexiones sobre el teatro breve del Siglo de Oro y la Postmodernidad.Javier Huerta Calvo - 2004 - Arbor 177 (699/700):475-495.
    La modesta tesis que intentará defender este artículo es que el gran impulso que los géneros menores han experimentado en los últimos veinticinco años, sobre todo en la crítica pero también en la práctica escénica, es consecuencia, en buena parte, del clima cultural derivado de la postmodernidad. La coincidencia de ciertos hechos artísticos, culturales, literarios y hasta políticos ha sido determinante para que el canon teatral del Siglo de Oro, antaño demasiado condicionado por factores morales y religiosos, se haya abierto (...)
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